About the collective

Expertise: Futures Thinking, Speculative Design, Regenerative Design

My Role: Co-founder, Co-organiser, Facilitator, Social Media Management

Writing: Read my article about one of our events here

Sector: voluntary / third sector, activism

Dates: Jan 2022 to date

Social Media: Linkedin, Twitter

In 2022 I co-founded Design Activists for Regenerative Futures (DARF), an international network of creatives, passionate about just transitions, sustainability & regenerative future visions. In my varied roles as Community Facilitator, Social Media Manager and Event Co-organiser, I equip the global membership to design for more just, inclusive and planet-centred futures. DARF platforms diverse voices and regenerative practices through talks, fosters community building via peer-to-peer dialogues, and explores planet-centric methods through co-creative sessions.

Design Activists for Regenerative Futures (DARF)

I've hosted talks and workshops on topics ranging from 'Design methodologies for interspecies justice,' and 'Navigating imagination and power in Participatory Design,' to 'Beyond greenwashing: the feasibility of regenerative businesses.' The network now comprises over 500 members and I've received excellent feedback. Events have pioneered emerging practices, generated new knowledge and cross-sector connections, as well as highlighted design's value to wider audiences through recordings and publications.

DARF influenced my work at Futurice, where I advocated for sustainable approaches. I spearhead a team implementing sustainable design methods based on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Design Council's Systemic Design Framework.

Got a partnership idea, or a project you need help with? Shoot me a line and let's talk.

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